Friday, July 10, 2009


and heart. Reasonably and rationally, (lesson #17) one must consider the collective began somewhere, and with a “first.” One. Is not a single baby important? Why would a group of firemen risk their lives to rescue a single child -or for that matter- a single elderly man, from a collapsing, burning building? Because intuitively we understand we are only as important as the individual; that life first and foremost matters at the individual level. We intuitively understand life must be respected through and to the individual, or, collectively, we are .. less than we can be individually. This is the basis for Judeo/Christian values, and it is the core of conservatism.
Further, it's a no-brainer this concept is fundamental in reverse to its opposite; collectivism must use “boxes” and use general authority to destroy individualism (private property, sovereignty, inalienable rights, etc.) to sacrifice the Productive for the good of the UNproductive.
So, if we have such a fundamental link between Christianity and conservatism, one approach to fight conservatism is to attack its origins. If the leftist movement can make inroads into Christianity, it will simultaneously weaken conservatism. This is where we see the purpose for existence of church’s like the American Episcopalians. This also explains the oddball conundrums of this Church and their inconsistent, evolving philosophy.
Think with an open mind and do a little research into their evolving beliefs, comparing them to the fundamentals of Judeo/Christian values. Also compare their beliefs with that of a socialized, democratic statist.
This will help get you started:

First, be sure to keep to the American Episcopal Church for their philosophy is quite different than their European counterpart. Also keep in mind they use the Bible as the bases for their beliefs, and yet, seem to find things in between the lines just like an activist judge does with our Constitution.

While the history of the Episcopal Church is quite grand, its recent evolvement is rather confusing, so don’t focus so much on all the outcroppings and recent upstarts and mergers. It should suffice to review the concepts and philosophies of the American Episcopal Church through their current leader’s recent words:
-- view the video of their Presiding Bishop, Dr. Katharine Jefferts Schori. Gay views notwithstanding, notice the attempt to destroy individual salvation.,9171,1211587,00.html – a Times interview with Ms. Schori back in 2006. -- The Episcopal Church and The Most Reverend Katharine Jefferts Schori.

I believe this American Church exists in America because of its members/leader's political beliefs. Their religious concepts evolve to fit their political philosophies, giving it –like Mr. Obama’s home church— a philosophy based in political (physical) power and not on religious (spiritual) precepts.

The American Episcopal Church represents, in my opinion, the desperation of America’s leftist movement. It is one of many tools being used by atheists and other liberal, socialist democrats to derail the most complete and the most pure form of government humankind will ever invent and embrace: classic conservatism.

Think with an open mind, and don't be afraid to reach a conclusion, too. When you have consistency in values, there must be conclusions.

1 comment:

  1. American Workers can breath a sigh of relief, as for once our politicians are listening to us all? Well! Not quite? They have instituted E-Verify, the illegal worker extraction process from the workplace? BUT TELL ME WHY IT DOESN'T COVER EVERYBODY WHO COLLECTS A PAYROLL CHECK? Not just the new arrival workers, but everybody who works for the company? American citizens and legal residents, don't care about checking their identity, unless they have something to hide? But E-Verify will trap illegal trap people offering illegal Social Security Numbers and bogus ID papers. What's significant is that E-Verify is not in stasis, but being upgraded, modified all the time. All irregularities can be checked out at the Social Security office. Not a good place where illegal workers would enter. Almost every law on the books that includes 287(g) for local enforcement is always weakened or even snuffed out by political conspirators. Any activist knows whose behind annulling the 287(g) police questioning, arrest and detain of illegal aliens? Our lady at the Homeland Security office, Madam Janet Napolitano. She keeps opening her mouth and with a forked tongue, swears she adamantly supported E-Verify and other programs, while secretly she and her minions underfund working laws, just as she did when she was governor of Arizona?

    If it really is being made MANDATORY for all federal employees and contractors? What reason are they arguing that it shouldn't be MANDATORY in every business throughout America? Every patriotic employer should use the E-Verification process? Unfortunately it's still voluntary for the public sector, which I am sure has been strongly influenced by US Chamber of Commerce, ACLU, Cato Institute and Council of Foreign Relations. Please don't take my word for the ominous agendas of these organizations? Allow yourself to--GOOGLE-- the rancid truth by surfing the Internet about these outfits? These are all anti-sovereignty, pro-illegal--CHEAP LABOR ENTITIES. They refuse any restrictions of any--REAL BORDER ENFORCEMENT?

    The next step is to push our SENATORS AND CONGRESSMAN to implement rigid INTERIOR ENFORCEMENT. An army of E-Verify federal inspectors to make unannounced visits to Human Resources, stores, factories, industry, businesses with a general warrant to audit books around the country. This would certainly
    be a parasite employers nightmare and hold their feet to the proverbial fire. Those who consider hiring illegal cheap labor will instantly condemn themselves to heavy fine, confiscation of business asset and even a prison term if caught with the undocumented labor.

    Always the ACLU, the subversive La Raza (THE RACE) is up front with filing lawsuits, against any town that considers ordinances to stop illegal immigrants from settling there. These are--ALL OPEN BORDER ZEALOTS--Brought and paid for by corporate money. If we didn't have sincere patriotic Senators like Sessions, E-Verify would have been tabled and hidden away from public view. Outside of the main Washington political elitists, very few listen to the voices of the American Worker who every day compete for jobs that foreign labor steal. My guess is the Democrats have allowed the authorization of a permanent E-Verify, knowing full well the Chuck Schumer Immigration Reform--BLANKET AMNESTY will make it worthless tool anyway?

    Giving 13 to 20 million plus families who rely heavily on government benefits will bankrupt America, according to the estimate of 2.5 Trillion dollars, Robert Rector at the Heritage Foundation. Then their is the next tsunami of poor people expecting to benefit from a further Amnesty, waiting patiently in other impoverished societies around the earth. CALL YOUR POLITICIAN DEMANDING A MANDATED E-VERIFY, NO AMNESTY! 202-224-3121. Honest facts at NUMBERSUSA, CAPSWEB, AMERICANPATROL & FAIR. ANOTHER AMNESTY WILL LEAD TO IRREVERSIBLE OVERPOPULATION! IF YOU SEE SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY CALL ICE.


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