Friday, March 26, 2010

A Thank You From Mr. and Mrs Obama

I have very little time left at home as I am heading back to Fort Lewis early in the morning. My time home has gone so quickly, but my back is nearly healed and it is time to get back into uniform.
As I often do, I left the paperwork as the last thing needing my attention. And my attention it has!
Sorting through all my garbage mail the wife had saved for me, I just came across a really interesting letter, from the White House. Inside is a wonderfully decorated “thank you” note. It’s on heavy-stock expensive looking paper, and signed by the 1st lady, Mrs, Michele Obama and by the Man himself, President Obama. Huh? Me, a thank you note from Mr. and Mrs. President? Something is amiss!
The note sports THE WHITE HOUSE, WASHINGTON, very prominently across the top, and it states,
“We would like to extend our deepest thanks and appreciation for your generous gift.
It is gratifying to know that we have your support. As we work to address the great challenges of our time, we hope you will continue to stay active and involved.
Again, thank you for your kind gift.”
The signatures are relaxed and personal – no titles. Looks like they are conveying warmth and friendship, and most certainly, gratitude!
Now, I am grateful for their time and energy; for the personalized acknowledgement of my “generous gift,” but in order to save my reputation I must disclose what this gift was. It was a book I sent way back last November.
What book: Mark Levin’s, LIBERTY AND TYRANNY.
I swear- other than a few dozen emails expressing my deep concern over their revolutionary ideals, I’ve sent nothing else except the book. I am looking forward to their interesting comments as they read about liberty and tyranny. They will read it and send me updates, won’t they?
I would be happy to answer any concerns or confusions the contents is likely to generate.

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